10 Films That Prove We Should Fear Technology

6. The 6th Day

But what if even your own cells weren€™t safe? In The 6th Day, humans can be cloned to perfection, even without the original person€™s knowledge. And although the practice has been outlawed, that doesn€™t stop Michael Drucker (Tony Goldwyn) and his organization, Replacement Technologies, from recreating whole people to fulfil their own ends. With nothing more than an eye scan and some blood, an entire person can be manufactured in a lab. Much of the movie is spent postulating if the Adam Gibson (Arnold Schwarzenegger) we€™re following is the original or the clone. Since they are carbon copies of one another, right down to old shaving cuts and the memories of birthday parties, there€™s really no way to tell. At least, until the bombshell drops. While it may seem idyllic to €œlive forever€ like Drucker opines, the proposition of digitizing someone€™s life and reproducing an entire person sounds more like a nightmare.
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Matt Dusenbury got his start blogging about music and the web back in 2006. Since then, he's branched out to Facebook, Tumblr, and Twitter. In 2011 he founded ANewAtlantis.com, a site dedicated to dismantling cultural artifacts, from movies to news stories. When he's not banging out new articles, you can find him neck-deep in tweets.