10 Films That Prove We Should Fear Technology

3. Blade Runner

Blade Runner

A cult classic, Blade Runner gives us a glimpse into a dark future where genetically engineered organic robots, called Replicants, are indistinguishable from their human counterparts, and are exploited for off-world labour. When six of them seek refuge on Earth after going on a killing spree, Blade Runner Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford) is enlisted to find and €œretire€ them in a crumbling and perpetually rain-soaked Los Angeles. The study of robotics is no longer some crude experiment in the Blade Runner universe. The uncanny valley has long been conquered. Replicants are superior to humans, engineered with better genetics and abilities. Were it not for the predetermined four-year lifespan programmed into each Replicant, they could become a dominant force in society, pushing us down to a lower rung on the food chain. If the machines are €œmore human that human,€ where would that leave us?
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Matt Dusenbury got his start blogging about music and the web back in 2006. Since then, he's branched out to Facebook, Tumblr, and Twitter. In 2011 he founded ANewAtlantis.com, a site dedicated to dismantling cultural artifacts, from movies to news stories. When he's not banging out new articles, you can find him neck-deep in tweets.