10 Films That Ruined Perfectly Good Holiday Destinations

3. American Landmarks - Independence Day

37 Independence Day 3D So, you plan your trip to visit some of America€™s greatest monuments, crowning achievements and historic places. Unfortunately, you picked the day of the mile long spaceship invasion as your holiday, rendering it tricky to work around the yard high stacks of debris and large areas still left aflame. Independence Day shares a common theme with Team America on this one - ruining a perfectly good tourist destination by blowing it sky high. Want to get that super special tour of the White House? It€™s gone. How about climbing the Empire State Building, right to the top? It€™s probably a lot easier now. Maybe go experience the streets of Los Angeles? Oh, that€™s gone too. The whole thing? Oh, I see€ everything except a maintenance shaft in a tunnel. I guess now the only real American Landmark left is Area 51, but only Jeff Goldblum and Will Smith are allowed in there, so I guess that€™s it for your holiday. Damn aliens. First Antarctica and now America. Oh and the rest of the world, but that didn't make the cut onscreen of course.
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Just a movie mad nut job with a computer and a passion for writing.