10 Films That Ruined Perfectly Good Holiday Destinations

4. Serbia - A Serbian Film

Serbian Film It€™s the Wolf Creek and Borat effects in one neat package, except with a lot more depraved sex acts and awkward sex faces. A Serbian Film generates a whirlwind of controversy, becoming the modern Cannibal Holocaust due to its extreme sexual violence. And of course, as I mentioned with Cannibal Holocaust, this was sure to dampen the good image of its country of origin. Serbia is a beautiful country filled with rich culture, stunning architecture and the leading world champions of water polo. What more could you ask for? Certainly not damp streets where behind the closed doors of abandoned warehouses a porn-mad director is watching, ready to create his own so-called €˜art€™ out of acts I cannot begin to describe here now. While the film€™s creators gave the shocker its name as part of their apparent political protest, the name A Serbian Film just rubs off poorly (excuse the pun) for the entire country itself, rather than just its leaders. I€™m sure there aren't many people who believe the events of A Serbian Film would really occur, but a film with a title that apparently nominates it as a national treasure, only to have the sort of indescribable content that A Serbian Film includes, is going to make or break its titular country. And in this case, its firmly going to break.
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Just a movie mad nut job with a computer and a passion for writing.