10 Films That Should Have Never Flopped At The Box Office

5. Dune (1984)

dunefightBudget: $40 million Box Office: $30,925,690 Frank Herbert€™s Dune series is one of the most well-known and beloved science-fiction series in history. So it€™s only logical that that love would translate over to the film world, right? Wrong. In 1971 Universal Pictures set out to bring Herbert€™s epic tale to life, and acclaimed science-fiction director Ridley Scott sat in the captain's chair. A beautiful master piece of cinema was sure to follow. Then Scott dropped out due to issues with his brother€™s health leaving the project in need of a new director. In 1981 enter David Lynch, one of the most amazingly talented filmmakers to grace God€™s green earth. Lynch is one of those rare filmmakers who transcends film into the realm of art. The draw back to that was Universal had pumped quite a bit of money into this project and weren€™t looking for an artistic expression. They wanted a blockbuster, and the conflicts lead to several re-writes, then re-edits, and re-shoots. All of which came together to make a movie that to this day David Lynch refuses to speak about. What should have been an unforgettable cinematic journey ended up being a movie most would rather forget. Dull.
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Chris Librizzi is a Stand-Up Comedian from Atlantic City NJ. He has three cats, drinks too much coffee and is an avid Macho Man Randy Savage enthusiast. Dig it. (Dictated but not read) Check Chris out on Facebook and get yourself some free good karma http://www.facebook.com/pages/Chris-Librizzi/417127695030524