10 Films That Totally Deserve Their 0% Rotten Tomatoes Rating

1. Sex Lives Of The Potato Men (2004)

Would anyone expect a movie titled Sex Lives of the Potato Men to be anything else other than terrible? Rightly regarded as one of the worst films ever made, critic Mark Kermode succinctly described it as 'absolutely, indescribably horrible, vulgar, stupid, tawdry, depressing, embarrassing, filthy, vile, stinky, repugnant, slimy, unclean, nasty, degenerative and mind-numbing'. In short; not very good then. The plot is entirely summed up in the title, with the final product being 85 minutes of crude sketches that aim for gross-out comedy but instead end up as one of the worst and most embarrassing examples of British 'comedy' ever made. Sex Lives of the Potato Men will forever be a black mark on the careers of those unfortunate enough to appear in it, and the UK Film Council should hang their heads in shame for funding something so unbelievably awful.

I don't do social media, so like or follow me in person but please maintain a safe distance or the authorities will be notified. Don't snap me though, I'll probably break. I was once labelled a misogynist on this very site in a twenty paragraph-long rant for daring to speak ill of the Twilight franchise. I stand by what I said, it's crap.