10 Films To Watch Out For At TIFF 2013

5. Soul (Chung Mong-Hong, 2013) Taiwan

soul Soul is the third feature from Taiwanese director Chung Mong-Hong, and his second film to be featured at TIFF. It is being shown on Mon. 9 at 6:15PM, Tues. 10 at 6:15PM and Sat. 14 at 12:00PM, as part of the Vanguard programme. The Monday screening will be it's International Premiere. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lrkvj3ymox0 The film is a, "psychological thriller about a man who develops an unsettling bond with the transient spirit that comes to inhabit his body", which, "delivers a fascinating and chilling meditation on spiritual migration and reincarnation". It's sort of a ghost story/demonic possession film, about a man who loses his soul and begins to form a relationship with the spirit of a man who begins to inhabit his body. It focuses on A-Chuan, who one day suddenly goes into an odd mental state where he stops communicating with others. His friends bring him back to a remote area where his father grows orchids. While A-Chuan's father attempts to understand what is going on with his son, violent acts start to occur. With Enter The Void being the best film I've ever seen at TIFF- and this film focusing on a similar theme- I'm eagerly anticipating it! Seems like it will be both exciting and intriguing.

I'm Josh. I was born and raised in the Niagara region. I'm an avid cinephile, dedicated archivist and pirate. I'm also an anarcho-punk fan that rides a bike, enjoys going on hikes, and really likes fruit....a sort of hippy-punk hybrid, if you will. I graduated from Brock University with an Honours degree in Political Science and an unofficial minor in Film. I enjoy writing learning, reading and writing about politics, film, and punk related issues. I hit shows in TO pretty often and look forward to checking out new films at TIFF every September.