10 Films To Watch Out For At TIFF 2013

6. Bastardo (Nejib Belkadhi, 2013) Tunisia

Bastardo Bastardo is Tunisian film-maker Nejib Belkadhi's first fiction feature, though he's had a feature length documentary air at Cannes and Sundance in the past. Bastardo is being shown Sun. 8 at 6:00PM, Tues. 10 at 10:00PM and Sat. 14 at 9:00AM, as part of the Contemporary World Cinema programme. It will be making it's World Premiere at TIFF. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjIjXuIZ16E It's a, "spellbinding combination of film noir and magic realism, which follows a downtrodden orphan €” now grown but still saddled with a cruel nickname €” who has a reversal of fortune and takes on the thugs who control his ghetto." Bastardo becomes relatively wealthy when a sell phone company builds a tower on his house- paying him a nice stipend. With his newfound wealth, he decides to challenge the local gang of thugs who have a stranglehold over his neighbourhood. In the end, it becomes a, "a contemporary allegory on the corruptive nature of power, set in a ruthless Tunisian ghetto and peppered with mysterious, larger-than-life characters €” some of whom have supernatural powers". It's said to magically combine "noir and magic realism" to paint a portrait of the "cruel illusions of progress".

I'm Josh. I was born and raised in the Niagara region. I'm an avid cinephile, dedicated archivist and pirate. I'm also an anarcho-punk fan that rides a bike, enjoys going on hikes, and really likes fruit....a sort of hippy-punk hybrid, if you will. I graduated from Brock University with an Honours degree in Political Science and an unofficial minor in Film. I enjoy writing learning, reading and writing about politics, film, and punk related issues. I hit shows in TO pretty often and look forward to checking out new films at TIFF every September.