10 Films Unfairly Rated R

1. The Kings Speech

kingsspeech2Rated R for some language If you go and rent The Kings Speech from Blockbuster (provided one still exists near you) or a Library chances are it is filed under some sort of equivalent to a Family Drama category. It€™s an uplifting film about a royal inheritance and dealing with a speech impediment to overcome it from impeding royal duty. Why is The Kings Speech rated R? The rating comes from one scene ( a comic relief scene where King Geore VI starts swearing profusely because it makes his speeches more impactful). It is more silly reasoning following another in the long line of letting one scene dictate a rating. The scene was actually removed in its theatrical run from America because apparently that one scene of comic relief can scar your child for your life. That is the only reason The Kings Speech is Rated R. Without that scene you could make a strong case the movie deserves a PG certification, let alone PG-13 or R. Those are just 10 of my selections but I have no doubt there€™s other cases of ineptitude swinging from both sides of the spectrum. Let us know of other examples in the comments below. In the meantime I€™ll continue wishing for a ratings certification system that follows some sort of logic.

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.