10 Films Unfairly Rated R

2. There Will Be Blood

there-will-be-bloodRated R for some violence Contrary to what the title suggests, there is very little blood if any at all in There Will Be Blood. Outside of arguably being Paul Thomas Anderson€™s masterpiece the film is a slow burn mostly focused on studying its characters and central themes of greed and Religion. Moments after the infamous €œI drink your milkshake€ line a character (not named due to spoilers) is beaten to death with a bowling ball pin but that is the only act of violence in the film. Furthermore there is no blood and the actual bludgeoning is off screen leaving viewers only able to see Daniel Day-Lewis lifting and bringing down his arm while only hearing loud thuds. The following video contains MAJOR SPOILERS It€™s another selection with no profanity, nudity, drug content, but this time there€™s no violence either outside of one climactic scene. Sure teenagers are not going to be too enthused about watching a 3 hour movie about drilling oil and contrasting greed with Religion but what about that mature 15 year old that is legitimately interested? There is absolutely no reason they should suffer (provided their parents gauge accessibility from our horrifically inept MPAA). 30 seconds of someone having their head bludgeoned in off screen by a bowling ball pin in a 3 hour film does not necessitate an R rating.

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.