10 Films Unfairly Rated R

4. Lost In Translation

Lost in TranslationRated R for some sexual content This may be the tamest selection out of them all. Lost In Translation has absolutely no violence, not one F bomb, or depiction of drugs. The newly lovers indulge in some alcohol but come on now, people drinking is normal and nothing to get offended over. It is solely rated R due to some brief topless dancers and an opening shot of Scarlett Johansson€™s ass obstructed ever so slightly anyway by see-through underwear. This is a movie about a washed up actor and a miserable wife of a photographer whom fall in love after meeting each other in Tokyo. At the very least it should be PG-13. Titanic had more and extended scenes of nudity coupled with some swearing and an intense sequence of a ship going down. I don€™t think Titanic deserves an R rating, I€™m just pointing out the glaring double standards set by the almighty MPAA.

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.