10 Films You Definitely Won't Remember In 10 Years

6. Drive

Drive Don€™t get me wrong, Drive was a good film. Good, not great. As an actor, Ryan Gosling sells the film. It€™s not his best work, that title is reserved for Blue Valentine, but even he cannot cover one fatal flaw with the film. It was sinfully boring. The main issue with Drive is that there€™s nothing that makes it stand out. The idea of Gosling playing a getaway driver is promising, but we€™re never really given a reason to care for him. So they decided to introduce a love interest. But, and it€™s a pretty big but, the relationship between The Driver and Irene (played by Carey Mulligan, the beau of the Mumford in Mumford & Sons) is so plain. He falls in love with her oh-so-quickly and then spends most of their screen time simply staring at her. It€™s very weak. The over exaggerated violence is also a bit of a turn off. Amongst other things, Gosling stomps on some lackey€™s head whilst they€™re riding an elevator. Nice. There€™s really no need. Few people will remember Drive in ten years. I could barely remember it after ten minutes.

Entertainments lover. Yoghurt hater. Beard grower.