10 Films You Definitely Won't Remember In 10 Years

5. The Ugly Truth

KATHERINE HEIGL If you€™ve seen any film starring Katherine Heigl, you€™ve seen The Ugly Truth. It€™s a painfully generic film. Uptight, neurotic girl can€™t hold down a relationship, employs the help of best friend / work colleague (the only spice of variety in these films) to help her get the man, gets the man but realises she doesn€™t actually love him because she loves the aforementioned best friend / work colleague, they kiss, roll credits. 90% of Hollywood romantic comedies follow this formula, so why should you care about The Ugly Truth? You shouldn€™t. Simple as. Gerard Butler tries his hand at some soppy, lovey dovey acting and isn€™t too bad, but a far cry from his action / thriller best. Katherine Heigl plays Katherine Heigl. And then there€™s a bunch of one dimensional supporting players, including the third side in this poorly constructed love triangle. Or perhaps I€™m just jealous that my life doesn€™t follow these romantic conventions. Well, €˜conventions€™. Maybe I am bitter.

Entertainments lover. Yoghurt hater. Beard grower.