10 Films You Didn’t Know Were Secretly Cursed

3. The Wizard Of Oz

Moulin Rouge movie

Over time, the technicolor marvel which was The Wizard Of Oz has grown a reputation for being horrifically cursed with tales of tragedy being told many years after the film’s release. Whilst some of these stories are fake, such as the story of a munchkin suicide being featured in the background of one particular shot, there are nonetheless still a number of true frightening stories to come from the production.

Firstly, Buddy Ebsen, who originally played the Tin Man, had to be hospitalized and sat under an oxygen tent because he had a horrific reaction to the makeup. He wasn’t the only one though, as Margaret Hamilton – The Wicked Witch Of The West – had a similar reaction, and received burns causing the makeup artists to hurriedly remove her makeup in the middle of a scene.

Betty Danko, the stunt double for Margaret Hamilton, injured her left leg when her broomstick exploded during a flying scene, and two of the winged monkey actors crashed to the ground when the wires that hoisted them into the air broke unexpectedly. People kept passing out from the heat of the set, the original director left halfway through, Hamilton nearly set herself on fire during the melting scene, and the film didn’t even profit at the box office.

It seems a miracle the film was ever finished.


Writer from the North East. Knowledgable in Horror Movies, Silent Movies, World Cinema and Retro Video Games.