10 Films You Didn’t Realise Became TV Shows

3. Dirty Dancing

The Crow Stairway To Heaven

Merely a year after Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey had the time of their lives in the global hit, Dirty Dancing, a television series was created under the same name, and featuring the same characters in hopes of following the movie’s success.

The series, produced by CBS, picked up where the film left off, once again following Frances ‘Baby’ Kellerman and her older dancing partner Johnny Castle as they continue their passion for dance. Neither Swayze nor Grey returned to the roles, and they were instead replaced by Melora Hardin (The Office), theatre actor Patrick Cassidy and a young Paul Feig (director of Bridesmaids). The film’s popularity wasn’t enough to save the show, which was deemed a poor imitation, and it was cancelled after 11 episodes, halfway through the first season.

In an interesting turn of events, the film also served as the premise for a reality show released in the UK called The Time of Your Life. The reality programme proved more popular than the series, managing to last for two seasons before cancellation.

With another remake planned for next year, now may be the perfect time to relive the forgotten Dirty Dancing series, which you can check out on Youtube.


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