10 Films You Didn't Know Were Banned For Stupid Reasons

6. Bruno Banned In Ukraine For Showing "Unjustified Showing Of Genital Organs"

We all know that Sacha Baron Cohen's 'Borat' was banned in Russia and Kazakhstan because the authorities there could not tell the difference between a comedy and a documentary; Cohen's follow up movie 'Bruno' also found itself the victim of the ban hammer for far more stupid reasons. Bruno, the mockumentry about a gay Austrian fashion reporter who travels to the United States was a reasonable hit upon its release. But the Ukrainian Ministry of Culture failed to see what it was about the film that everyone was finding funny. The reasons given were that Bruno;
"Contains unjustified showing of genital organs."
And that the film contains;
"Homosexual perversions in an explicitly realist manner."
If that wasn't enough, the censor board didn't stop there. They added that the film contained;
"Artistically unjustified exhibition of sexual organs and sexual relations, homosexual acts in a blatantly graphic form, obscene language, sadism anti-social behaviour"

Child of the 80's. Brought up on Star Trek, Video Games and Schwarzenegger, my tastes evolved to encompass all things geeky.