10 Films You Didn't Know Were On Joss Whedon's CV

2. Titan A.E. (2000)

titan-ae-DI After Earth is destroyed and the remaining humans are hunted by an alien race known as the Drej, it is up to space bum Cane to save the human race. A bit of a weird film this, what was supposedly meant to be an animation for adults is essentially Battlestar Galactica for kids. Despite being described as "nothing but action" by co-director Don Bluth, the amount of blood shown when people get shot is hardly worth it, one character's neck being broken more closely resembles falling down the stairs, and even a shooting at point blank range has been made comical. As such it does make you wonder how much any of the five writers (Whedon this time being credited) knew the film wasn't meant to be aimed at kids; money being Korso's motive for turning his back on his own endangered species is hardly building a three dimensional character, and Cane follows the same hero's journey as far too many others. Somehow his only redeeming feature of being the son of the man who invented Earth's only hope is enough for him to survive what is thrown at him, and traveling across exotic landscapes and assisted along the way by alien helpers, I can only guess the best place for this film is on the same shelf as Ben 10. Whedon Hallmark: A twist on the archetype of the traditionally dumb guard is a welcome addition, and who else would call an entire planet Bob?

One man fate has made indescribable