10 Final Girls Who Should Return For A Horror Movie Sequel

1. Erin Harson - You’re Next

The Strangers
Lions Gate Films

One of the better pure slasher movies in recent memory and an instant cult favourite due to its expert blend of humour and horror, it’s surprising that You’re Next has yet to be given a sequel, with the 2011 feature earning back its small budget several times over.

Erin, the movie's protagonist, demands a sequel. Played by Sharni Vinson, she's a young woman visiting her boyfriend’s family home. This is made more nerve wracking when a gang of killers in animal masks appear in the rural home and begin wiping out the inhabitants.

Many final girls seize the initiative and turn the tables on their tormentors, but Erin really takes the biscuit. It transpires that our hero was raised by a survivalist family, and understands not just how to keep herself out of trouble but how to take the fight to the invaders. The last act of the film blends Home Alone with Friday The 13th, as Erin’s improvised traps and weaponry allow her to play a far more active role than the majority of horror victims.

She's an Arnie-esque backwoods action hero in a final girl's body. Erin Harson vs legions of freaky killers in schlocky, low budget production: it's a license to print money, the stuff franchises are made of.

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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)