10 Final Girls Who Should Return For A Horror Movie Sequel

5. Ginny Wainwright - Happy Birthday To Me

The Strangers
Columbia Pictures

Much of this film is dedicated to convincing you that Ginny is anything but the hero of the piece. She's Queen Bee of an elite school group, and friends are being picked off one by one. If Ginny’s not the killer, then it’s someone who looks an awful lot like her.

Or, one of the other kids in an incredibly convincing rubber mask, as it eventually turns out. The ending is ludicrous, but it doesn’t serve to hamper the film too much. Part of this is down to the assured direction of the overqualified J. Lee Thompson.

Mostly, though, it’s the commendably committed performance of Melissa Sue Anderson as Ginny, who invests in selling the idea that even she doesn’t know whether or not she’s carrying out these horrendous murders. It’s nonsense, but compelling nonsense, and the cliffhanger ending has scope for an even more manic sequel.

The film ends with Ginny having defeated her imposter, but caught in a comprising - and bloody - position by a cop. The sequel would see Ginny having to extricate herself from custody, haunted by the ordeal, and perhaps embarking on her own murder spree at long last.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)