10 Final Girls Who Should Return For A Horror Movie Sequel

6. Dani Ardor - Midsommar

The Strangers

2019’s Midsommar is an unforgettable film, thanks in equal part to its folkloric terror and the superb performance from Florence Pugh as Dani Ardor, a deeply traumatised university student, still coming to terms with the death of her parents and sister (at the latter’s hand). When her increasingly distant boyfriend embarks on a study trip to Sweden, she invites herself along, hoping that a stay in a secluded, traditional community might do her some good.

Instead, the young Americans find themselves stranded in the middle of the community’s May festival, and the rituals that their hosts take part in aren’t exactly safe. From a cliffside scene wherein everything starts to go wrong to the final, terrifying shot, Midsommar is simultaneously picturesque and unsettling.

At the heart of all this is Pugh’s performance. Dani seems a brittle individual, but eventually demonstrates remarkable steel as her friends drop like flies, right up to the haunting finale. While the climax is perfect, it's hardly definitive; this story has undeniable legs, and it would be fantastic - and probably ghastly - to see what Dani's up to now.

Director Ari Aster has illustrated a willingness to go all out, horror-wise. Dani as the ruthless May Queen, wielding her power with gusto, could make for a terrific sequel.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)