10 Final Horror Movie Scenes That Changed Everything

3. Fallen

REC 2 Angela
Warner Bros.

The criminally underappreciated supernatural horror film Fallen pulls quite the impressive fast one on viewers in its final scene.

The movie begins in medias res as protagonist Detective John Hobbes (Denzel Washington) explains that he's going to tell us about the time he almost died, accompanied by clips of him running through a snowy forest before collapsing to the floor, seemingly in mortal danger.

The rest of the film plays out in order, with Hobbes chasing down a serial killer who happens to be a fallen angel, Azazel, with the ability to possess people simply by touching them.

At the end of the movie, Hobbes discovers that Azazel has taken the guise of his colleague Jonesy (John Goodman), and hatches a plan to kill Jonesy and then poison himself, leaving Azazel stranded in the wilderness without a host to inhabit. But before Hobbes can die, Azazel possesses him, at which point we return to the sequence from the start of the film.

As a poisoned "Hobbes" collapses to the floor, the opening narration resumes, revealing that we were listening to an Azazel-possessed-Hobbes talking about the time he almost died, not Hobbes himself. And with that, Azazel is saved from being trapped in Hobbes' corpse at the last minute when a cat stumbles upon the scene and Azazel possesses it, implying that he'll be able to continue his rampage as soon as he finds another human to make contact with.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.