10 Final Movie Scenes That Changed Everything

8. Men In Black III

Men In Black 3
Sony Pictures Releasing

For the bulk of its runtime, Men in Black III is a fun but ultimately relatively inconsequential sequel that doesn't leave much of a lasting impression.

But then that final scene comes and hits the audience like a damn ton of bricks. Hell, it even made Paul Thomas Anderson cry.

The time travel comedy, where Agent J (Will Smith) travels back to 1969 to prevent the assassination of a younger Agent K (Josh Brolin), concludes with J's father sacrificing himself to save K's life.

A young J then arrives, unaware of his father's death. K comforts him and uses the neuralyser to assure him that his father is a hero, before older J, watching from afar, realises that K has secretly been watching over him his entire life.

Finally, J returns to the present of 2012 where he's reunited with the older K (Tommy Lee Jones) in a diner, and not-so-subtly hints that he knows K was looking out for him all along.

The pair leave the diner as the alien Griffin (Michael Stuhlbarg) deems the moment his new favourite moment in human history, and that's all she wrote.

It's an ending that elevates MiB III from merely being a passable entertainment into an unexpectedly affecting threequel which places a damn perfect bow on the entire trilogy.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.