10 First Choices For Big Movie Roles (That Would Have Totally Sucked)

1. Al Pacino As Han Solo (Star Wars)

Sean Connery Gandalf

Han Solo is, almost without question, the most beloved character from the enormous and expansive Star Wars universe. Just like Indiana Jones, he is indelibly linked with Harrison Ford. However, many Hollywood stars were considered for the role as, again in common with Indy, George Lucas was reticent to work with Ford again so soon after American Graffiti.

One of the stars in the frame was Al Pacino, who has revealed he turned down the role as one of the many parts he was offered after The Godfather turned him into a red hot name. He has confessed that he didn't understand the script he was shown for the movie and so turned down the project, which he has since described as a "missed opportunity" in his career.

Pacino is not exactly known for his roguish charm and he's a far more abrasive screen presence than Ford. Solo is likeable despite his moral ambiguity, whereas Pacino's speciality lies with characters considerably darker than the antihero incarnation of Solo that became an icon. With that said, a supercut of Pacino delivering some of Ford's lines in his own unique, shouty, sweary style would be a guaranteed viral hit today.

Does anyone have his agent's phone number?


Freelance film journalist and fan of professional wrestling. Usually found in a darkened screening room looking for an aisle seat and telling people to put away their mobile phones. Also known to do a bit of stand-up comedy, so I'm used to the occasional heckle.