It is becoming increasingly common to see remakes that nobody needs or asks for and the most recent example of this was Spike Lee's re-imagining of Korean thriller, Oldboy. In it, a loving father and husband is imprisoned for fifteen years under mysterious circumstances. During his captivity, he sees the world pass him by on a small television, including news reports of the murder of his wife, a crime he has been framed for. The film ultimately stems around the search for his captor when he is released without warning or justification. Soon after being released, Oh Dae-Su frequents a restaurant where he orders the waitress to give him something that is 'still alive'. She brings out an octopus. As it writhes around on the plate, Dae-Su stuffs the animal into his mouth, leaving the tentacles flailing across his face as it looks to escape. It takes an age to eat as both waitress and audience watch on horrified at what is, one of the films most iconic scenes. Interestingly, no such scene was found in the remake - a giveaway as to the causes of the films eventual failure perhaps?