10 Fool-Proof Ways To Save The Fantastic Four Franchise

1. Sell The Rights Back To Marvel

If the Fox producers behind Fantastic Four can€™t learn a few of these lessons, there will only really be one option left €“ cash in, and sell the rights back to Marvel Studios. It doesn€™t seem likely that audiences would welcome another Fox-led reboot, so the studio needs to either sort their current franchise out or let someone else have a try. It€™s not impossible, though, to redeem the series. By partnering with a filmmaker they actually trust, and sorting out the manifold issues from the first film, we could yet see a decent Fantastic Four film from Fox. They key, arguably, is to have a clear vision, and to stick with it. Failing that, it€™s fairly likely that Marvel would welcome the rights back with open arms. They€™d struggle to recast and find as many talented young actors, but there€™s probably room for the Fantastic Four as supporting characters in the MCU. That is, if Fox don€™t take our advice. Do you think the Fantastic Four franchise is worth saving? How would you do it? Let us know in the comments below.

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.