10 Fool-Proof Ways To Save The Fantastic Four Franchise

2. Explore The Character€™s Family Lives

At the start, Fantastic Four seemed to be laying some groundwork for an interesting subplot about family. Ben€™s family were jerks, and Reed€™s family didn€™t take much interest their own son either. Meanwhile, Johnny was rejecting his dad€™s advice. Victor was the black sheep of the group, drawn back into science by the overarching father figure Franklin Storm. Only Sue seemed to get on with her (adoptive) dad. All of this felt like thematically important, like Josh Trank was building up to the idea that the Fantastic Four essentially function as one big surrogate family to each other. Instead of that, though, this side strand just fizzled out. No one really mentioned their family in the third act, and rather than putting much effort into bringing Doom back into the fold, the Fantastic Four just beat him up until he stopped fighting. Next time, it€™d be nice to see the familial themes of Fantastic Four brought to fruition. There€™s no reason a comic book movie can€™t tackle a big topic like this €“ just look at how Guardians Of The Galaxy explored Star-Lord€™s relationship with his mother, for example.

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.