10 Fool-Proof Ways To Save The Fantastic Four Franchise

4. Add Some Inventive Action Scenes

These characters have superpowers. The next film in the Fantastic Four franchise needs to remember that. With Mr Fantastic, The Thing, The Human Torch and The Invisible Woman in your movie, it isn€™t really enough to only have one big action sequence at the end. Instead, there needs to be inventive action scenes throughout the movie. In a previous draft of Josh Trank€™s movie, The Thing was going to be airdropped into a war zone in order to wreak havoc. In fact the shot of Ben leaping from a plane was in almost all of the promotional videos. This kind of action scene €“ something we haven€™t really seen before €“ could have made a big difference to the film. Instead, we ended up with a film where we only fleetingly saw superpowers in play (for example, that shot above is one of the few superpower moments we get, and it only lasts a couple of seconds). We were also going to see Mole Man, the Moloids, hints of Galactus and the Fantasticar at various other stages of the script drafting process. Next time around, the franchise can€™t afford to remove big action ideas like this. The powers-that-be need definitely need to build in some sizeable set pieces.

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.