10 Foreign Language Horrors That You Must See

7. Inside

Yet again the French slay us with their unrivalled mastery of suspense twisted with a love of the red stuff. Inside is a very gory film, featuring one particular scene that is truly unforgettable; want to see someone perform an impromptu caesarian on a beaten half dead woman using only rusty household implements? Nope not sure that I did either. However, shock tactics aside this is a very well made film with a relatively simple set up that manages to keep you hooked from start to finish. Heavily pregnant Sarah lost her partner in a car accident and narrowly avoided her own death, its now Christmas eve and she has one more sleep to go before she is due to be wheeled into the hospital for a planned caesarian. Home alone and grieving for her husband she is visited by a dangerously violent woman that has other plans for Sarahs special Christmas day. Similar to Switchblade Romance, a great deal of this film turns into a violent cat and mouse game whilst Sarah is offered many chances of escape and potential rescuers that all fall by the wayside. The sheer intensity in the delivery of this film is what make it such a stunning example of French horror lead by two fantastic actresses that manage to make every moment real.
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A movie lover like no other Chelsey has the likes of Hobo With a Shotgun sitting side by side with Hitchcock, Survival of the Dead next to Shakespeare. Of course she has a soft spot for horror and has been consuming all manner of the blood-thirsty and undead for as long as she can remember but also appreciates every aspect of global movie-making. Just don't get her started on Michael Bay- or Nicolas Cage......