10 Foreign Movie Rip-Offs You Won't Believe Actually Exist

1. The Dragon Lives Again (1977) - Everything - China

The Dragon Lives Again

What? Just another day in the life of deceased Bruce Lee.

What's the best way to pay tribute to Bruce Lee in the wake of his untimely death? By creating a movie that has the kung-fu legend walking around the underworld, whilst calling on and fighting against a bunch of pop cultural legends, of course! Which is exactly what happened in Chinese martial arts insanity project The Dragon Live Again: the plot concerns The Godfather, The Exorcist and '70s porn star Emmanuelle's plan to take over the underworld, and Bruce's mission - which he's joined on by Popeye and Caine from Ku Fu - to stop them. If this sounds like a totally freakin' insane fanfic that some fifteen-year-old Chinese kid wrote whilst stoned and presumably on the verge of a mental breakdown, then... well, that's totally what it sounds like, yeah, despite the fact that this was created by consenting adults whose brains were apparently working fine. The only work that seems to have gone into the script stages of this project is the filmmakers choosing their favourite pop cultural icons from around the world. Also included are: Clint Eastwood, Laurel & Hardy, and - yes - James Bond. What a spectacle! Like this list? What have we missed? Let us know in the comments section below.
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All-round pop culture obsessive.