10 Foreign Movie Rip-Offs You Won't Believe Actually Exist

9. Beauty and the Beast (2010) - Beauty and the Beast - Thailand

Beauty and the Beast Thailand

And thus the Circle of Life is complete.

Thailand is the kind of place where they don't give a damn about petty things like "rip-offs," because who are you to tell us that we can't produce a shot-for-shot remake of your animated movies, Walt Disney Company? And that's what totally happened here - Thai company GM Toons (whose logo looks strangely similar to the Disney logo, in fact) wanted to make their own version of Beauty of the Beast, but couldn't be assed with doing any actual work. Just to mix things up a bit, though, they decided that it was probably better if their version of the Beast had, like, Simba's head from The Lion King on top of his body instead, because c'mon on guys, we're not plagiarists! So if you ever fancy watching Walt Disney's Oscar-nominated masterpiece but for some reason you fancy doing that with a version that is so badly animated it looks like a blind kid coloured and scanned it into a computer, this is for you.
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All-round pop culture obsessive.