10 Formally Awesome Actors Who Made Us Forget Why They Were Great

2. Cuba Gooding Jr

Cuba Let's blame this one on the Oscar win why don't we. Post-feverish speech for his 1996 win, Gooding JR was an up and comer to keep an eye on. Afterwards, the plane slowly descended and crashed into the mountain due to some, shall we say, erratic choices. His breakout performance came courtesy of a defining turn in" Boyz in The Hood", with further cred-via association due to his part in Oscar nabbing Sorkin drama "A Few Good Men". But then everything changed with the aforementioned Oscar win for his performance in "Jerry Maguire", what was to become his defining cinematic moment. Then everything went weird. Following his Oscar he simply tried to act in ever-conceivable genre going, with diminishing returns on each stab at a new type of film he took a stab at. "As Good As It Gets" (dramatic romantic comedy) bequeath "What Dreams May Come" (weird drama thingy) bequeath "Men of Honour" (WAR) and so forth. But for whatever reasons, he couldn't stop the descent down into the pit of s**t that he'd began rappelling himself towards, ultimately reaching his lowest ebb with the back to back release of "Snow Dogs" (horror) and "Boat Trip"(snuff film), almost causing the apocalypse as he did so. Nowadays he's totally been spat out by the mainstream and loiters around straight to DVD action and comedy fair. Nostalgia Rating - An intense relationship that burned too bright, too fast.

Semi-functioning human male fuelled by ill informed opinions on movies, music, Nicolas Cage fan fiction and general pop culture absurdity. Once saw Thom Yorke sitting alone on a stump at Glastonbury eating a sandwich.