Fact has always been more interesting to the human mind than fiction. In this postmodern world, fiction is in some way always influenced or inspired by fact, whether it be consciously or subconsciously. It stands to reason that factual occurrences are always more interesting than that which is conjured up. Think about your life, ponder the greatest true stories you have been told, right from the big grandiose 'based on a true story' tales shown on the cinema screen down to your friends nattering away about the actions of other friends. How many times have you thought or heard the phrase 'you couldn't make that up' bookending an almost unbelievable true story? This list contains some of the strangest moments to befall actors; some are faultless, some are very much the blame of their actions. As a result these incidents always render previous work in some way horribly awkward to watch today. With the benefit of hindsight, read on for 10 Formerly Great Film Roles That Are Horribly Awkward Today...
10. Woody Allen Manhattan
In Manhattan, Woody Allen is playing a dry, neurotic, intelligent Jewish dweeb (himself) who is dating a 17 year old girl. This film supposedly refers to a time in Allen's life when he did have a relationship with a 17 year old girl, Stacey Nelkin. The subsequent marriage to Mia Farrow's adopted daughter, Soon-Yi Previn - who Allen took nude pictures of when she was 20 years old, which is cited as the reason he and Farrow separated - displays an awkward boundary that Allen is not afraid or ashamed to address:
"I didn't feel that just because she was Mia's daughter, there was any great moral dilemma, the heart wants what it wants. There's no logic to those things."
Watching Manhattan becomes even more awkward when you consider the recent allegations from Mia Farrow's daughter; Dylan, that Allen molested her at a very young age. It isn't fair to make a judgement based on what Dylan has said about Allen, considering that most see it as simply her way of gaining attention, but whether you believe the accusations or not it doesn't help the narrative of Manhattan sit anywhere but close to the bone.