10 Franchises Other Than Star Wars That Will Return... Whether You Like It Or Not

4. Back To The Future

If Back to the Future were to return now then it would no doubt be about Marty McFly's offspring from 2015 going back to 1985 to get his parents together. The year it returns and the time-settings involved are immaterial though, because a franchise with Back To The Future's earning potential will not stay dormant forever, not least because 25 years after the last film was released it remains an instantly recognisable and popular frachise. It is difficult to say if Michael J. Fox's condition would allow him to have any meaningful participation in a direct sequel, which would be an enormous shame, and in that regard time may be running out for a fourth instalment. That's not to say that it couldn't happen, but the most likely scenario is that the property will be rebooted entirely one day. Despite inevitable grumbles, this may not be an all together horrible scenario, since the time travel conceit provides the opportunity to set the story in any time-period, so it allows for a vast array of stories to be told. It would also allow any new version of the story to breakaway and do something new, and not have to suffer too severely in comparison to the original. Like with any of these franchises (Star Wars included) we wont know if the world was a better place without an added instalment until it actually happens and we see what it is we're getting.

As well as the odd article, I apply my "special mind" to scriptwriting for Comics, Films and Games... Oh and I cut down trees, I skip and jump, I like to press wild flow'rs, I put on women's clothing, and hang around in bars. Follow me on Twitter @DrRobertOtnik