10 Franchises That Should've Quit After Two Films

8. Blade

Terminator Salvation T-800
New Line Cinema

Blade: Trinity is not just regarded by critics and audiences as a terrible film but by most of the cast and crew. The third entry to the film series was dominated by star Wesley Snipes' crazy antics whether he was allegedly strangling the director or - for the majority of filming according to co-star Patton Oswalt - staying in his trailer smoking weed everyday.

Perhaps it was this on set behaviour, the lousy script or franchise fatigue but Blade: Trinity failed to recapture the magic of its two predecessors. After a game-changing first instalment which showcased Snipes as a dynamic presence and an inventive sequel helmed by Guillermo del Toro, this disastrous finale spelled out the end for the franchise and Snipes' career.

This is especially tragic considering the Blade films essentially crafted the formula for the modern day superhero films. After Joel Schumacher's Batman had limped out of cinemas in the late 90s and before the X-Men films had picked up the reins in the 00s, Blade 1 and 2 showed many how it was done.

Hopefully the upcoming reboot starring Oscar-winner starring Mahershala Ali will restore love for this ill-fated series.


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An avid cinephile, love Trainspotting (the film, not the hobby), like watching bad films ironically (The Room, Cats) and hate my over-reliance on brackets (they’re handy for a quick aside though).