10 French Horror Movies You Need To See
6. Frontier(s)
If nothing has quite been gnarly enough for you yet, then Frontier(s) should scratch that itch pretty solidly. A group of young criminals flee for their lives from Paris in an attempt to gain their freedom, only to find themselves imprisoned in a completely different, and far, far worse setting when they take a pit stop at a countryside inn. It's literally always the countryside. Just get yourself a booking at Premier Inn and live to see another day, continental breakfast or not.
As it turns out, said Inn is run by a group of Nazi's taking advantage of their remote location. Captured and forced into their strange family, the group must try to escape or succumb to their rule - and of course, there's plenty of brutal and bloody action when they choose to do neither.
With a premise that dark and the stink of New French Extremity all over this grotty title, Frontier(s) depicts the evolution of the ultra-right wing in France in brutal fashion. If you liked Hostel, or Saw, then this is the film for you.