3. When Harry Met Sally 2; Grampires
The original When Harry Met Sally was a wildly successful comedy that brutally examined male-female friendships. It made an entire generation of men wonder whether or not they actually were satisfying their women after THAT scene in the Deli. After that movie, that common trope of men being placed in the Friend Zone has been one thats permeated popular culture for the past two decades and been explored by everyone from Cheers, to Friends, to Ricky Gervais. And after two decades of dissecting, weve pretty much exhausted everything on the topic. So what could we do to make a When Harry Met Sally 2 fresh? Add vampires. Helen Mirren would star opposite a returning Billy Crystal, playing a Harry now in his 60s as he discovers this beautiful English mystery. When she converts him to her vampiric ways, he goes along for the ride and finds out that being with someone for the rest of your life just got a whole new meaning. Bring back Rob Reiner behind the camera and get some hack from True Blood to write it. There ya go. Guaranteed Oscar bait.
Sean Keating
24 year old actor and musician raised by popular culture. Like a 21st century Mowgli. Big fan of TV, Music and Professional Wrestling. It's still real to me damn it! Follow me on Twitter @seanokeating. Then point out how unfunny I am!
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