10 Futuristic Sci-Fi Movies That Now Take Place In The Past

8. The Island

Blade Runner
Warner Bros.

Michael Bay imagined 2019 as a highly-polished world where the rich and famous would be able to harvest clones of themselves in order to remain in tip-top condition. Instead, it was a world where we had to endure five of his Transformers movies and a slew of forgettable horror remakes from his Platinum Dunes company.

The Island was the first box office bomb of Bay's career, and it would be another eight years before cinema's most famous auteur of destruction porn would make anything that didn't feature the Autobots or Decepticons. There are some big ideas in the script without a doubt, but the guy behind Armageddon and Bad Boys II isn't exactly the first name that jumps to mind when you think about intellectual sci-fi with the potential to critique modern society.

That being said, it does unsurprisingly boast some solid action, with Bay apparently enjoying his own car chase so much that he recycled much of the footage for Transformers: Dark of the Moon's vehicular showdown, but in terms of both idea and execution, The Island was most definitely a swing and a miss.


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