10 Futuristic Sci-Fi Movies That Now Take Place In The Past

7. Timecop

Blade Runner
Universal Pictures

Timecop is one of the best movies of Jean-Claude Van Damme's career, but a quick glance at the split-loving Belgian's filmography doesn't exactly provide much in the way of standout competition either.

The time-traveling sci-fi actioner has a great concept that it failed to make the most of, with the end result being a typical JCVD beat-em'-up that just so happens to involve time travel. While it has endured as something of a cult classic over the last quarter of a century, the human race failed to meet the movie's optimistic prediction that we'd have mastered the art of revisiting our own history by the year 2004.

Netflix were still posting DVDs in envelopes and Facebook was only available to college students back then, and sadly time travel still remains confined to our imaginations. One thing Timecop will definitely get right is that if and when it does happen, people are almost instantly start using it for nefarious means.


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