10 Gaping Movie Plot Holes You Probably Never Noticed

7. Freezing Buzz Lightyear (Toy Story)

buzz_lightyear Calling out an animated Disney film, which has talking toys for characters might not seem particularly fair, but one aspect that really doesn€™t make sense is how the toys pretend to be inanimate whenever humans are around. The plot of Toy Story relies heavily upon the fact that Buzz Lightyear doesn€™t know that he€™s a toy and believes himself to be a real presumably human space ranger, yet whenever a human appears he freezes along with all the other toys. But why? If Buzz thinks he€™s real, shouldn€™t he run away or try and fight the giant humans he sees? He is committed to charting the strange new planet he finds himself on, so surely being faced by a giant species that resembles himself would inspire at least some level of fascination. But no, instead he falls lifeless and pretends to be a normal toy. Disney fans in denial can believe that Buzz freezes out of fear or a desire to observe the other toy€™s customs, but it€™s most likely just an overlook by the filmmakers, which doesn€™t necessary make the film any less believable, for children at least.

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