10 Genius Misdirects In MCU Movie Trailers

4. Druig Is The Big Bad - Eternals

ScarJo trailer
Marvel Studios

The various trailers and TV spots for Eternals didn't exactly make it clear who the movie's villain would be, though the smart money was unequivocally on Druig (Barry Keoghan).

The trailers showed fleeting glimpses of Druig both standing atop the burning ruins of ancient Aztec city Tenochtitlan, possibly having caused the inferno, and seemingly operating a cult of mind-controlled humans in the woods.

Those two images certainly made him more immediately sus than any other Eternal, prompting intense fan speculation that he would turn on his fellow Eternals mid-movie and reveal his true nefarious intentions.

But this actually turned out to be incredibly well-placed bait, as Druig actually breaks up the brutality at Tenochtitlan and mind-controls the villagers in order to help take down an attacking Deviant.

The real backstabbing Eternal is later revealed as Ikaris (Richard Madden), who has Ajak (Salma Hayek) murdered while serving the Celestial Arishem (David Kaye).

Barry Keoghan is just so damn good at playing unsettling characters that it wasn't hard to believe he'd be Eternals' turncoat character, but alas, the marketing played on our prejudices perfectly.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.