10 Genius Techniques Directors Used To Get Great Movie Performances

1. Werner Herzog Trolled Klaus Kinski - Aguirre, The Wrath Of God

Aguirre the Wrath of God Klaus Kinski
Filmverlag der Autoren

The stories of shooting Werner Herzog's 1972 historical drama Aguirre, the Wrath of God are the stuff of legend, particularly the tough time Herzog had working with his infamously hot-tempered star, Klaus Kinski.

Though Herzog wanted Kinski to play the part with a tranquility, reflecting the character's confidence in his crusade, Kinski was adamant that he portray Lope de Aguirre as larger-than-life as possible.

Kinski couldn't be dissuaded, and so Herzog quite ingeniously gave him the 'ol acting rope-a-dope, insulting and irritating Kinski to the point that he would fly into a rage.

Herzog then ensured to have a scene ready to shoot just as Herzog calmed down, preventing an exhausted Kinski from getting too energetic and over-the-top during filming.

And this is honestly one of the more chilled-out stories of Aguirre's production, a shoot where Herzog threatened to murder Kinski and then kill himself if he tried to quit the film. Yup.

Nevertheless, the madness resulted in what remains one of the most evocative films of Herzog's entire career and a sure epic for the ages.


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