10 Genius Ways Movies Fixed Their Own Mistakes

3. Leonardo DiCaprio Cut His Hand And...Just Kept Acting - Django Unchained

Django Unchained Calvin hammer
Miramax Films

Leonardo DiCaprio has a hard-won reputation for being one of the most committed actors of his generation, as evidenced by his sublime performance as plantation owner Calvin Candie in Tarantino's Django Unchained.

His entire performance was Oscar-worthy, but there's a single moment that instantly won a place in Hollywood lore, as Candie learns of Django (Jamie Foxx) and Schultz's (Christoph Waltz) deception.

DiCaprio slams his hand down on a table and, in doing so, accidentally destroys a glass, severely cutting his hand in the process.

And while in most circumstances this would necessitate a director to call "cut!", ever the pro, Leo simply kept performing the rest of the lengthy take while bearing his bloodied hand to the camera.

Tarantino was so impressed that, rather than simply erase the gaffe from the movie, he kept it in and even allowed DiCaprio to build upon it, by wiping his bloody hand over the face of Django's wife Broomhilda (Kerry Washington).

But of course, DiCaprio had his hand bandaged up first, and the blood smeared on Washington's face was fake, contrary to popular belief.

Nevertheless, a brilliantly savage movie moment was born out of a painful flub. Sadly, Leo didn't even get an Oscar nod for his work, though.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.