10 Genius Ways Zombie Movies Broke All The Rules

3. A Zombie Movie Within A Zombie Movie - One Cut Of The Dead

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Hailing from Japan, One Cut of the Dead is a fascinating film for many different reasons. 

Firstly, this 2017 movie was shot mostly using long takes, which means a single, uninterrupted take with no cuts. One such shot lasted a reported 37 minutes, which is absolutely bonkers. 

Secondly, the premise of One Cut of the Dead is that a film director has been approached to make a zombie movie, only due to budget constraints, he has to do it in one take. If that's not meta, then nothing is.

The first portion of the film depicts this fictional story within a story, as the frustrated director turns to black magic for help. He accidentally raises the dead in the process, leading to all-out chaos on the set. 

Later scenes play out like a documentary, capturing the stressful process of shooting a film under these circumstances. This makes it nigh-on impossible to properly categorise One Cut of the Dead, but the main thing is that it's fascinating to watch.

If you're after a simple zombie movie you can turn your brain off too, then this ain't it.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.