10 Genius Ways Zombie Movies Broke All The Rules

2. Fast Zombies - Nightmare City

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When it comes to innovations in the zombie cinema sphere, few are as legendary as the creation of so-called "fast zombies". 

The transformation of the creatures from slow, lumbering beasts into agile hunters completely changes the dynamic of any zombie, giving the flesh-munchers even more of an advantage over their human prey. 

A number of films have taken credit for this invention; 28 Days Later, Train to Busan, World War Z, I Am Legend, and so on. The truth is that this accolade belongs little-known Italy film from 1980. 

Nightmare City, or City of the Walking Dead as it was known in the US, opens on a reporter waiting at an airport, when a plane lands and unloads an army of zombies. 

These baddies are intelligent, armed, and lightning-fast, as they rip through the city at a frightening pace. This was the first time zombies had been portrayed as anything but mindless ghouls, and it was absolutely terrifying.

Technically the antagonists are humans infected via radiation, therefore they're not zombies, but if you're going to be pedantic, go do it somewhere else.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.