10 Genuine Concerns About Spider-Man: No Way Home

9. The Story's Questionable Logic

spiderman no way home
Marvel Studios

Easily the biggest complaint people have had about the No Way Home trailers so far is the dubious logic of how the movie's main conflict gets set into motion.

The idea that the multiverse fractures because Peter (Tom Holland) interrupts Doctor Strange's (Benedict Cumberbatch) spell just seems a bit silly on paper - why wouldn't Strange have talked Peter through the spell first, and why is the spell so fragile that a mere person talking can screw it up?

While it's highly likely that this will all make more sense in the movie itself, conceptually it does still feel a little flimsy, even if you can accept that Strange would do something this irresponsible in a post-Endgame world.

Naturally some fans are concerned that it speaks to a wider issue in the film's script - being so concerned with its nostalgia-soaked concept that it puts logic in the backseat.

Given that the botched spell seems to be the foundation upon which the entire movie rests, screwing this part up will have major ramifications for everything else.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.