10 Genuine Concerns About Spider-Man: No Way Home

8. The Epic Runtime

spiderman no way home
Marvel Studios

Avengers: Endgame's 181-minute runtime was pretty much pushing the audience's patience - and bladder control - to the limit, and while it's extremely unlikely that another MCU movie will get close to that length anytime soon, you should certainly expect No Way Home to be a long movie.

Though earlier rumours suggested that the film would clock in at a brutal 169 minutes, a recent report from a reputable leaker has the runtime at a more tolerable 148 minutes.

Even so, that would still make it the third-longest MCU film behind only Endgame and Eternals, and while No Way Home will clearly have a lot of characters and plot threads to juggle, that's still quite the sit.

The 120-minute blockbuster feels like a rarer commodity than ever these days, and after Eternals recently proved the MCU's fallability throughout its 157-minute runtime, there's every possibility No Way Home is more exhausting than entertaining, and even an outright slog.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.