10 Giant Lies Told By Movies That Will Definitely Kill You

8. It's Fine To Get Knocked Out A Lot

Casino Royale Daniel Craig Torture

The Main Offender: Casino Royale

Most heroes worth their salt have endured a beating at one point or another - it's how a director sells the drama, and makes the superhuman hero a little more relatable in order to convey some Real Threat, and keep us in glued to our seats. After all, we're all secretly driven by that delightful Oedipal impulse that makes us want to kill the symbolic father (transferrable to any and every movie hero ever,) so we need to feel like that threat is real in order to titivate and delight us.

So, James Bond gets a sharp bop on the head, and wakes up in a dark, wet room with his testicles precariously posed over a hole in his suspiciously uncomfortable chair. And after a while - even including some serious genital trauma - Bond regains his health almost entirely, and goes about saving the world again. After all, he's a pro - he's been knocked out countless times over his long and colourful career, and no loss of consciousness has ever lead to so much as a hangover.

The Reality Being knocked out a lot - even once, in fact - can be fairly catastrophic for your health. It can leave some pretty serious brain injuries, and can often lead to death - hence those cheerful marketing campaigns for not punching one another the UK tends to see every Christmas - and even a mild concussion can seriously ruin your day.

Even a few minutes of being knocked out is enough to be seriously concerned, and characters like Bond tend to lose whole hours in order for their assailants to tie them up and relocate them to some dungeon or other, so you're probably looking at something grizzly like a brain bleed for each extended episode, and then a cumulative impact for each subsequent episode. So really, Bond should be a barely functioning zombie by now, or dead.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.