10 Ginormous Movie Franchises That Should Quit While They're Ahead

2. Batman

batmanWoah, what's this ginormous franchise about, then? C'mon - don't act like you don't know what Batman is. You love Batman. Batman is all you live for nowadays, because this is 2013, and everyone in 2013 thinks Batman is the best. Still not familiar? Allow me to elaborate. The Batman franchise exists in various incarnations, but there are basically two separate series of movies: the old series, which nobody likes anymore and the one that marked the death of the franchise in '97 and the new, cool, Christopher Nolan-directed one. Both tell the story of a man who dresses up like a bat and fights crime. And it should quit? Why? Suggesting that we call it a day on Batman when he's so clearly in his prime is probably enough to warrant a visit from a mental health professional, because surely you want to see more Batman movies as soon as possible, don't you? Why don't you? Although Christopher Nolan's trilogy has come to end, it's already been confirmed that Batman is getting rebooted in the form of a movie where he's given the opportunity to fight Superman, which will also exist as the basis for the sequel to Zack Snyder's recent smashfest Man of Steel. Although the prospect of such a showdown sounds like it might be a blast on paper, right now, only a year since The Dark Knight Rises first hit theatres, don't you think that it's all just a little bit premature? We need more time to reflect, and to appreciate what Christopher Nolan did with his phenomenal trilogy. To say that this reboot is happening far too soon is to understate the obvious, but I don't see how it's going to be possible to give fans the movie that they want when we're in such close proximity to the old trilogy. Shut it down for a while.

All-round pop culture obsessive.