10 Glaring Goofs That Will Ruin 2015's Best Films For You

5. Snowy Brims And Severed Limbs - The Hateful Eight

You€™ve got to be careful when pointing out mistakes in Tarantino films, because there's always the chance he put them there on purpose. You wouldn€™t watch Inglourious Basterds and cry historical error when Hitler gets his face machine-gunned off by the Bear Jew, nor would you correct the spelling of the title. Some of the goofs in The Hateful Eight seem very unintentional, however, and should have been picked up on by such a meticulous film maker. Kiwi stunt woman-turned-actress Zoe Bell refers to Auckland as New Zealand€™s largest city, though that wasn€™t the case until the 1900s when Auckland€™s population surpassed that of Dunedin. In fact, Tarantino took a number of liberties with his post-Civil War time-frame - the first recorded use of the word €˜pen-pal€™ wasn't until 1938 according to Merriam Webster, and the piano in Minnie€™s Haberdashery was made by Story and Clark, a company not established until after the war, and that battered old honky-tonker looks older than every one of Minnie€™s guests combined. These kind of complaints are usually met with the 'artistic license' argument, though there are a few glaring continuity errors that even the staunchest Tarantino fan cannot defend. For instance, the amount of snow collecting on the brim of Mannix's hat as Ruth questions him from his stagecoach is constantly changing without him ever shaking his head, and (spoilers) the severed arm attached to the recently hanged Daisy Domergue seems to have a life of its own as it inexplicably changes positions from shot to shot.

Phil still hasn't got round to writing a profile yet, as he has an unhealthy amount of box sets on the go.