10 Glorious Deaths In Forgettable Films

8. Head-Bursting Headline (Scanners)

To the 80's now and we head over to a dark Sci-Fi reality where people with telekinetic and telepathic powers, Scanners, are being recruited by a security company known as ConSec.

Stay with me.

In what would become a truly outstanding moment of gore/mind blowing special effects (pun intended), Daryl Revok - the volunteer chosen to be the test subject for ConSec's own Scanner to showcase their abilities - proves to be a bigger challenge than first expected.

Revok (Michael Ironside), in the midst of being 'demonstrated' on, taps into his far superior powers and, as the music hits a deafening high pitched screech, explodes the ConSec employees head.

It's absolutely shocking and holds up nearly 40 years on as a gloriously gruesome end.

In terms of the film itself, the script does its duty and explains the mysteries that are sowed throughout the plot, however when they are it only highlights just how silly the whole thing really is.

Soap Opera worthy the flick may be ('I'll suck your brain dry' being a verbal gem) yet, apart from the odd masterful bursting skull, memorable it is not.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...